Our daycare program is designed to work within your dog’s natural instincts and behaviors.
Daycare at D is for Doggy is:
- Safe & Clean!
- Constant supervision and reinforcement of safe play behaviors.
- Hi-powered ventilation system ensures fresh air circulation 24 hours a day.
- 24 hour pet care with accessibility to emergency veterinary care when needed.
- Personalized doggy daycare!
- Bring your dog’s food and we will feed him/her according to their feeding schedule. We can also provide our own house food.
- Completely cage, crate, and kennel free facility.
- Fridge and freezer present to accommodate both fresh and frozen dog food.
- Individual cabinets for each dog’s own food and belongings.
- orthopedic air beds for dogs to lie in all day.
- We have three playrooms tailored to your dogs specific size and temperament: